Learn To Fuse - DVD Video Guide Tutorial for Dichroic Glass Jewelry - Free Shipping

Learn To Fuse - DVD Video Guide Tutorial for Dichroic Glass Jewelry - Free Shipping

Curious about glass fusing?
Beginner, or thinking about taking a class?
Don't have a glass shop in your area, or want to learn from the comfort of your own home?
Want to know more about how Dichroic Glass Jewelry is made?
Having trouble finding books & training media?

Then this DVD is for you!

When I started fusing a few years ago, I was frustrated by the lack of training resources that were out there. I found a small handful of books, and a few DVDs on the subject, but they either had information that I didn't understand, or skipped over steps and left me wondering how they did something.

One day, I was talking to a close friend about this. I told her about all the emails I receive from people who want to know how to get started in fusing, and how difficult it is to give detailed instructions via an email. I told her that there just aren't that many glass videos out there. I wished that someone would make one that doesn't just show the beginning, the middle, and the end, but rather, one that showed each step along the way. She listened patiently to all of this, and then said simply, "Why don't YOU make one?"
