How to create Steampunk Jewelry DVD set - Steampunk DVD - The art of Creating Steampunk Jewelry - DVD Set

How to create Steampunk Jewelry DVD set - Steampunk DVD - The art of Creating Steampunk Jewelry - DVD Set
How to create Steampunk Jewelry DVD set - Steampunk DVD - The art of Creating Steampunk Jewelry - DVD Set How to create Steampunk Jewelry DVD set - Steampunk DVD - The art of Creating Steampunk Jewelry - DVD Set How to create Steampunk Jewelry DVD set - Steampunk DVD - The art of Creating Steampunk Jewelry - DVD Set
The Art of Creating Steampunk Jewelry DVD set

Using the cogs, gears, cases, movements and faces, those in this Steampunk jewelry class will be able to create their own attractive works. The possibilities are endless for earrings, pendants or cool thingymawhatchamacallits that are upcycled, repurposed, and assembled from old pocket watches, clocks and wristwatches.

All this will be taught using basic tools and materials. Learn about the origins of today’s Steampunk movement as you’re sifting through the detritus of time machines. Build jewelry using some of the many parts from vintage watches, clocks and pocket watches.

The instructor is a successful professional steampunk artist in her own right and will offer many proven techniques for how to best use basic tools and materials. The emphasis will combine both functional concerns and key design considerations. There will be numerous hands-on tips on combining the materials.

This DVD is a two disc set with two hours of in depth instruction. I have taught this class at art retreats, schools, and galleries across the country. You will receive all the in depth instruction I have provided all my students.
