Coiling and Weaving DVD -disk 1 - Coil Drop Earrings & Arabian Bracelet

Coiling and Weaving  DVD -disk 1 - Coil Drop Earrings & Arabian Bracelet
Coiling and Weaving  DVD -disk 1 - Coil Drop Earrings & Arabian Bracelet Coiling and Weaving  DVD -disk 1 - Coil Drop Earrings & Arabian Bracelet Coiling and Weaving  DVD -disk 1 - Coil Drop Earrings & Arabian Bracelet
DVD 1 - Coil Drop Earrings & Arabian Bracelet:
In this introduction to wire coiling, you'll discover basic coiling techniques such as beginning and ending a working coil wire, how to coil evenly, and how to adjust coils to be tight and together. You'll make two gorgeous pieces, a bracelet and a pair of earrings, all using basic wire jewelry pliers. Plus, you'll learn tips on controlling very long lengths of thin wire! These are foundational skills and methods that you can take to any coiling project in the future.
