Paper Hats

              Try a Simple Party Hat Next

Learning how to make paper hats can be a lot of fun. Most people will find that these paper hats can bring back memories of when they were a child. Best of all, paper hats may receive decorations in various colors and patterns. They make an ideal craft for children,

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Origami Roses

If you want to learn how to make origami roses, you've come to the right place. LoveToKnow Origami is here to help you discover how to create these beautiful folded paper flowers.

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Origami Place Cards

place cardLearning how to make origami place cards can be a lot of fun. In fact, you can transform many of the origami animals and decorative pieces into place cards just by adding a small piece of paper to them. This is an easy way to decorate your table.

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Origami Ornaments

hanging origami ornamentsLearning how to make origami ornaments is simple once you have mastered making origami figures. Ornaments are a perfect way to decorate a holiday tree or home at little to no cost - simply use leftover origami paper, wrapping paper or colored paper you have lying around your home.

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Origami Flower from a Dollar Bill

Origami Money Flowers

Origami Money RoseLearning how to make an origami flower from a dollar bill may seem silly, but this can be a fun project. Dollar bill origami is quite popular. This type of origami project is perfect to give as a gift to a loved one, for example. Use a larger denomination to give as a gift. Even kids will love it

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History of Kirigami

Paper doll chains are simple Kirigami.
By Dana Hinders
Understanding the history of Kirigami can improve your knowledge of how paper crafting has changed over time.

Kirigami is the Japanese art of cutting paper, named from the words "kiru" (to cut) and "kami" (paper). Symmetry is a very important concept in Kirigami. Snowflakes, pentagrams, and flowers are all examples of Kirigami projects in which cuts are made to enhance the symmetry of the design.
Kirigami and origami are often confused, but these two crafts are not the same. It's true that they both incorporate the use of beautiful papers and folding techniques to make flowers, animals, and other designs. However, pure origami does not allow you to make cuts in the paper. To construct your design, you must fold one or more sheets together. In addition, there is no gluing or taping allowed in origami. In Kirigami projects, however, both techniques are acceptable.
Occasionally, people practicing Kirigami will use a pencil to make marks on the paper before they cut. While this can help a beginner improve his accuracy in creating more complicated designs, the history of Kirigami recommends that crafters use scissors or a knife only.

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Dragonfly Kirigami

Origami animal instructions are plentiful and often free; dragonfly Kirigami instructions are harder to find. With a little searching, however, it is possible. 
Rarely are entire websites or books devoted to dragonflies. While they are a good figure to fold, they are not as popular as other animals, like the origami dragon. Therefore, it may be necessary to search for Kirigami patterns or templates that include a general section on insects. Along with the dragonfly, you may find beetle instructions or even cicada patterns.

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Folded Paper Box Patterns

Fold a paper box to create unique packaging for a special gift.
By Dana Hinders
Folded paper box patterns can help you create origami projects that are both attractive and practical

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Folded Fabric Centerpiece Patterns

By Jenn Greenleaf
Using folded fabric centerpiece patterns, you can create a variety of elegant and whimsical centerpieces for your table. Don't be afraid to try something new and take advantage of the fact that unlike paper, fabric can be folded and refolded without being worse for the wear

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Flower Origami Diagrams

By Kate Miller-Wilson
Whether you're hoping to make a paper rose or an elaborate orchid, flower origami diagrams can be very helpful. The Internet is an excellent resource for this type of origami instructions.

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Easy Origami Envelope

By Courtney Ramirez
Making an easy origami envelope only takes a few minutes and a bit of practice. Once you master the art of a basic envelope, you can expand your repertoire to other kinds of envelopes and origami projects. Origami envelopes are perfect for sending notes and many other craft projects. You'll find that these little envelopes can be very useful, not to mention cute.

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Credit Card Case Origami

Make a case for your gift card!
By Kate Miller-Wilson
Whether you need a creative way to give a gift card or just want a fancy way to present a credit or phone card to a loved one, you'll love making an origami credit card case. Origami is the perfect way to add creative flair to your gift.

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Coolest Origami Paper Toy

Boats make great paper toys.
By Dana Hinders
Paper folding enthusiasts often find themselves wondering how to find the coolest origami paper toy. With so many toys available, however, the answer to this question is limited only by your imagination.

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Christmas Origami Using Money

Money origami, sometimes called dollar bill origami is the practice of folding currency into various decorative shapes. Money origami projects can include animals and flowers, as well as designs such as rings, gift boxes, and tiny picture frames.
Although money origami is practiced throughout the world, it is most popular in the United States. Reasons for this vary, although the most likely explanation is that other countries do not have low value paper currency for origami enthusiasts to work with. Therefore, the cost of making a money origami

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Christmas Origami

Learn how to make origami poinsettias.
By Kate Miller-Wilson
If you're looking for a fun holiday paper folding project, Christmas origami might be a great choice. There are a number of easy and enjoyable holiday paper crafts that can double as Christmas ornaments, table decorations, or gift attachments.

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Origami Bonsai

Origami artist Benjamin John  Coleman                                                                 
By Dana Hinders
Many people who enjoy origami find themselves fascinated by origami flowers, but not quite sure what to do with their creations. If you're ready for something with a bit more pizzazz than a row of flowers sitting on your bookshelf, consider incorporating origami bonsai into your home déc

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Towel Origami

Decorative towel folding is one of the most unique forms of art. It is quite like paper origami in that you will be folding the towel in various shapes to create a look or image out of it. If you're looking for a way to impress and amuse guests, you'll love learning about the art of towel folding.

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Origami Paper Doll

Many people who are unfamiliar with origami make the mistake of thinking that folding paper is merely a diversion for children. Although it's true that origami is popular as a children's craft, Dr. Robert J. Lang's work shows you how the art of paper folding can be taken to a whole new level if you think about origami as a tool for exploring mathematics.

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Exploding Box Card

If you're looking for a special way to wrap candy, jewelry, or another small Valentine's Day gift, consider making this easy exploding box card. While the traditional method of making an exploding box card popularized by scrapbookers and rubber stampers is very time consuming, this folded paper version can be made in just a few minutes. Choose pink and red patterned papers for your box, then decorate with hearts, flowers, and other Valentine's Day themed accents.

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Origami Booklets

Origami booklets are easy to make, which means they are perfect for creating sweet Valentine's Day cards for your loved ones. Make a booklet with a theme such as "10 Things I Love About You" or "The ABCs of Us." Write a message, add photos, or use stickers and computer clip art to create your design. If you want to make a larger booklet, cut a custom sized square from wrapping paper in the color or pattern of your choice.

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Origami Lovebirds

Even though the crane is the most famous type of origami bird, it's far from the only option available. Origami lovebirds are cute projects to fold for your Valentine's Day crafts since these creatures are well known for being friendly and sociable pets. Fold your origami lovebird from green paper, then add google eyes and draw on details with a marker or fine-tip pen.

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Money Origami Hearts

If you're looking for a fun way to give a child a small Valentine's Day treat, consider folding a money origami heart from a dollar bill. Place the dollar bill inside a small box with tissue paper and a few chocolate candies. The money origami heart is easy to create, although the project will work best if you can find a crisp bill to use. Money that is wrinkled or worn does not hold its shape well after it has been folded.

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Valentine's Day Origami Projects

When love is in the air, it's the perfect time to practice your paper folding skills by completing some Valentine's Day origami projects. Whether you're looking for easy handmade decorations for your home or a frugal yet thoughtful gift for a loved one, there are plenty of different origami designs you can try. You can even take advantage of the free origami papers available online to give your projects some extra pizzazz.

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Modular Origami Frame

Decorating your home with photos of your family and friends is a great way to inject a bit of personality into your living space. Instead of spending a ton of money on designer picture frames, however, consider folding a few cute origami frames for your favorite photos. They can easily be customized by choosing paper to match your home décor.
There are many different ways to design origami picture frames. The frame in this tutorial is featured in origami books such as Soonboke Smith's Origami for the First Time. The fact that it's shaped like an octagon instead of a traditional square or rectangular frame gives it a more modern appearance.

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Origami Envelope Pattern

Anyone who is interested in origami should memorize the instructions to at least one easy origami envelope project. You never know when you'll need an envelope and knowing how to make envelopes from any size of square paper is a thrifty trick for recycling. I like to fold my envelopes from 12 inch x 12 patterned scrapbook paper, but the same basic technique works well to make envelopes from wrapping paper scraps or old calendar pages

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Origami Star Instructions

Stars are fun origami projects to make for celebrating Independence Day, but you don't need to wait until July 4th to make an origami star. Folded paper stars also make fun decorations for birthday parties, picnics, family reunions, and any type of gathering with a whimsical celestial theme. During the Christmas months, you could use stars as tree ornaments or as package decorations.
The origami star featured in this tutorial is a very basic modular design adapted to be easy enough for elementary school children to fold. Like the origami kusudama flower, it joins the units together with glue. If this is the first time you've taught origami to a child, however, it's a good idea to review the tips in our Easy Origami for Kids article before you begin.

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