Masterpiece Miniatures: Vol. 1 - DISC 3

Masterpiece Miniatures: Vol. 1 - DISC 3

Masterpiece Miniatures: How to Create Your Own Miniature Works of Art is an exciting new DVD series designed to teach you the techniques and skills necessary for becoming a truly masterful artist in the realm of miniature painting. Designed by Master Painter, Christopher Davidson, Volume 1 contains the basic, fundamental information that you will need to begin your journey towards painting stunning miniatures.

Disc 3 - The Classic Method

The final disc of Volume 1 contains all of the foundational techniques that you'll need to paint an incredible miniature. Using The Classic Method of miniature painting, Christopher will give you the most in-depth instruction available on basecoating, shading, highlighting, drybrushing, washing, and easy methods of basing your miniatures.
